Elements Collection, Poetry, Water

Desolation Dream

Jr Korpa

Lay me down to sleep,
don’t wake me darling, this is all I need.
Familiar soul yet perfect stranger,
silky smooth and warmth entangle.
My heaven or my hell?
Through the raging storm impossible to tell.
This silent conversation is my only prayer,
this something in between wonder and terror.
Salty tears from hurricane eyes
flood us out with rising tides,
interrupt novel embrace,
our holy alter washed away.

Air, Elements Collection, Poetry

Shape Shifters

Alex Machado

Cold blue interrupted by soft white,
or perhaps the other way around?
Either way, the sky is not what it was
when we first gazed upon it.
A game for young eyes, we laid on grassy hillsides,
gravel roads, empty back stairways,
and named the shapes we saw in clouds,
however hard we had to squint to make them real.
And we were not at all that sad when
the winds whisked them away,
shifting their shapes to be brand new,
gifting us with more white against the blue.
How could we be sad when they were, after all,
projections of our hearts, beating on still?
We secretly welcomed those winds,
those breezes like long hugs,
which for us begat new shapes to name.
I miss them now, the clouds do too.
Nostalgia for a time when they were moved
into being by breaths stolen and returned,
and stolen again, like a song repeated
until voices worn and emotion depleted.
Now, the wind is still and they have
no shapes, no names, no enthusiastic eyes to gaze.
Soft white interrupted by cold blue,
or perhaps it always was the other way around?
