
A Grief Unobserved

Kamil Feczko

This house felt like a home,
like a thousand years had passed
and we were still within its walls,
a grave for those
whom true home will never know,
whom will forever roam,
slowly wander these halls.
I suppose I can try
to make friends with the dead
until my own soul dissolves.

Fire, Poetry

Smoke Signals

James Adams

before there were flames
i saw smoke signals in a dream
billowing from the underbelly of my home
this is the beginning of the end
i said
and watched as gold turned black
watched as time kissed us
and fate kissed back
now as the ash settles into me
i hear the sirens fading
and the neighbors saying
this is the end of the beginning

i had to let it all burn
to know the warmth of freedom
